Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2011 Fall Conference Educational Workshop Presenters

Turning Points - What transitions can teach us about ourselves ... and how you can put those lessons to work pic_JerryAiyathurai
Presenter: Jerry Aiyathurai
Overview: Turning points - What transitions can teach us about ourselves ... and how you can put those lessons to work.  Equip yourself for professional and personal change by understanding:
  1. Three elements of success during change ... to deal yourself an ace in the game
  2. The story-life-line exercise ... to uncover the values in your journey
  3. Choices of transition ... to decide which gifts you will open first
  4. Communicating the value ... to connect with our employers and business partners
Attendees will experience an interactive, entertaining workshop during which they will receive a set of practical transition management skills ... to help enhance their personal resilience, purpose and productivity during times of change.
Bio: Jerry is an organizational management consultant and award-winning speaker who also loves to travel, coach scholastic chess and play jazz. As a consultant, he assists companies - ranging from non-profits to Fortune 50 corporations - embark on large-scale change. Jerry is currently writing a book on passion and meaning as drivers of innovation. Jerry recently placed among the top 30 speakers in the world for Toastmasters International. He has also spoken at TEDx and a number of business conferences on subjects relating to leadership and change.

Answer the Call to Leadership 
pic_BrianCavanaughPresenter: Brian Cavanaugh
 Overview: "A leader who develops people adds; a leader who develops leaders multiplies" John Maxwell. 
This entertaining workshop will discuss the critical importance of effective leadership today, here and now,  focusing on three areas - Wisdom, Compassion, Humor.  Ideas, tip and techniques will be shared on how to develop these aspects of leadership and how to apply them in all areas of life.
To understand the importance of effective leadership and to realize we are all called to lead - The call is for you and me.  Three critical areas of leadership include Wisdom, Compassion and Humor.  Attendees will gain a better understanding wisdom, compassion and humor as it relates to leadership.
Bio: Brian Cavanaugh has been a Toastmaster since 1983 starting out in District 3 (Arizona) before moving to Connecticut (District 53) from  2005-2011 and is currently working in District 38 (Eastern PA, Western NJ).  Brian has been a humorous speech contestant at District level 7 times and an international speech contestant at District level 9 times.  Brian was a contestant in the World Championship of Public Speaking in 1997 and 1999.  Brian has presented at various District 53 TLI sessions.  Currently, Brian is a member of Sikorsky-DCMA "SkyTawkers" Toastmasters in Division D.  Brian is Immediate Past and Last Area D-5 Governor.  Brian works at Sikorsky Global Helicopters in CoatesvillePA.

Live Your Magic Life 
pic_NanaDansoPresenter: Nana Danso
Overview: To experience magic in your life, you must suspend every kind of disbelief and open your mind to your ocean of possibilities. It doesn't happen automatically, though. As you guessed, there is a secret method to it. In this presentation, you will learn the method known as the magic formula, which, if properly applied, will open doors beyond your wildest dreams.
The attendee should expect to receive practical tips for living a fulfilling, exciting, dynamic life. These tips will be delivered in an entertaining, engaging style that will keep the attendee on the edge of his/her seat.
Bio: Nana Danso is an award-winning speaker that has helped many people reap the rewards that come from effective communication. He is a member of BI Toastmasters and Socially Speaking. He is also four-time District 53 International Speech Contest Champion.

Step-By-Step Guide To Delivering Exceptional Keynote Presentations
pic_JeremeyDonovanPresenter: Jeremey Donovan
Overview: Have you ever been inspired by TED Conference presentations by the likes of Sir Ken Robinson or Malcolm Gladwell?  Have you wished that you could touch people's hearts the way these presenters touched yours?  During this workshop, you will learn the secrets of constructing compelling narratives and accompanying visuals that bring people to their feet.
  1. Building your narrative: Learn how to construct your story around a foundational thematic phrase
  2. Designing your visuals: Learn how to use minimalist design techniques to maximize emotional impact
  3. Tuning your delivery: Learn how the greatest presenters connect with their audiences
  4. BONUS:  Every participant will receive a free copy of the book “What Great Looks Like: Leadership Best Practices For General Managers”
Bio: Jeremey Donovan is Group Vice President of Marketing at Gartner Inc.  He has been involved with Toastmasters for over ten years where he exercises his passion for helping others realize their full potential as public speakers.  He is the author of "What Great Looks Like", which outlines winning management and leadership principles.

Virtual Speaking-An Introduction
pic_MarilynJessPresenter: Marilyn Jess 
Overview: Conference calls, webinars, podcasts, website video. Do these and other technological marvels leave you wondering how to be successful speaking when there's no audience in the room with you? Virtual Speaking, when the audience is remote, calls for sharpening speaking skills you already have, and new skills, too. This session will help you Grow in Style when you speak virtually.
  1. Define Virtual Speaking.
  2. Discover new speaking outlets, with remote audiences.
  3. Identify speaking skills that make virtual speaking successful.
Bio: Marilyn Jess, DTM, joined the Last Word Toastmasters club in PittsfieldMA, in 1998. She is a licensed Wellcoach®, registered dietitian, and the owner of "Speaking Of....," offering workshops on speaking skills. In 2006 Marilyn earned Toastmasters International's highest individual designation, Distinguished Toastmaster. Since December 2009 she has co-hosted the Blog Talk Radio show, "The Wellness Coaches.
Together We Can Do What We Cannot Do Alone
pic_SharonRothPresenter: Sharon Roth
Overview: Attendees will participate in an interactive experience in which they will create visions for themselves, acquire tools to achieve goals beyond expectations, and will come away with a plan to enhance their Toastmasters journey. Recommended for both new and experienced  Toastmasters.

Objectives: Learn how to dream without limits and how to make them come true. 
Bio: A Toastmaster since 2008, Sharon has served the organization as Secretary, VP Education and VP Membership at the club level.  She has held district leadership positions as well; District Webmaster 2009-2010 and  Area Governor 2010-2011.   Last year she volunteered as a mentor at a gavel club in a prison in Massachusetts.  She is currently the Division C Governor.
Social Media Plusses and Pitfalls:  The ABCs of What To Do and Not Do on SM
pic_HeatherTurnerPresenter: Heather Turner 
Overview: Learn why Toastmasters should use Social Media. This class covers an overview of Facebook, Twitter, Blogging,Youtube and Linkedin, the advantages of using each one, and some tips, tricks and tools to make finding fans and followers easier. This class also covers time saving applications, ROTI (Return on Time Investment), SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Social Media and how to target and attract potential new local members for your Toastmasters groups.

  1. Find out how to identify and target local fans and followers
  2. Tips for enhancing your social media profiles, group/multi-user posting and how to find topics to post about.
  3. Tips on how to check and reply to mentions and comments, and best practices for interacting with fans and followers
Bio: Heather Turner spent 20 years in the restaurant industry, the last 8 as an executive chef. She is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. In 2003, she started her own business, a graphic design and B2B marketing company, specializing in the hospitality industry. Heather currently trains small businesses and groups in the usage and set-up of social media accounts, along with working with them to develop offline and online marketing plans.

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